JeT HaRRiS (ShaDoW Of YouR SMiLe)
Merci ! JeT HaRRiS R.I.P. 6 juillet 1939 – 18 mars 2011 JeT HaRRiS L’hommage de Cliff Richard : “Jet was exactly what The Shadows and I needed – a backbone holding our sound together. Jet, […] Lire la suite
Merci ! JeT HaRRiS R.I.P. 6 juillet 1939 – 18 mars 2011 JeT HaRRiS L’hommage de Cliff Richard : “Jet was exactly what The Shadows and I needed – a backbone holding our sound together. Jet, […] Lire la suite
5 / 5 ( 38 votes ) NEW YORK, NY (2011) – Une super expo (Lines Drawon On Paper) est organisée à New York du 25 mars au 30 avril. Entièrement consacrée à Robert Crumb. […] Lire la suite
“Mark was part of a movement of suburban kids in the mid to late 60s that changed the world with their dark musical dreaming, and of course their Anglophile obsessions. From their imaginations sprang so many technicolor daydreams and all manner of wishing; wishing that we were often what we are not. Professor Psychedelic was his nickname, and he wore it proudly. You don’t always get credit […] Lire la suite
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